Subvert means
Subvert means

subvert means subvert means

For "overthrown me" ( Job 19:6) the Revised Version (British and American) has "subverted me (in my cause)," margin "overthrown me" for "perverteth" ( Proverbs 19:3), "subverteth." subverted synonyms, subverted pronunciation, subverted translation, English dictionary definition of subverted. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to bring about the complete downfall or ruin of (something existing or established by a system of law, etc) 2. ( Acts 15:24, "subverting your souls") of anatrepo, "to turn upside down," "to overturn" ( Titus 1:11, "who subvert whole houses," the Revised Version (British and American) "overthrow") of katastrophe, "overthrow," "destruction" ( 2 Timothy 2:14, "to the subverting of them that hear") Įkstrepho, "to turn or twist out" "to turn about" ( Titus 3:11, "such is subverted," the Revised Version (British and American) "perverted"). SUBVERT Meaning: 'to raze, destroy, overthrow, undermine, overturn,' from Old French subvertir 'overthrow, destroy' See definitions of subvert. (1) in the sense of overturning, etc., as the translation of `awath, "to make bent or crooked" ( Lamentations 3:36), "to subvert a man in his cause" of anaskeudzo, primarily, "to pack up baggage" then, "to ravage," etc.

subvert means

To undermine, overturn, or render ineffective (a rule or an. To cause to serve a purpose other than the original or. system by attacking it secretly or indirectly. To undermine, overturn, or render ineffective (a rule or an established notion, such as a stereotype, for example). 1transitive, intransitive subvert (something) to try to destroy the authority of a political, religious, etc. Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Subvert To overthrow or destroy (a government or an established order or authority). To overthrow or destroy (a government or an established order or authority).

Subvert means